There are two pertinent questions in elections. Voters should ask candidates, “Why should I vote for you?” Candidates should ask voters, “How can I be of help?” The issues I am addressing are my initial thoughts on how I can be of help to you.
Taxes & Spending
• Reduce the Homestead Tax Credit cap from 3% to 1.5% to protect homeowners from higher property tax assessments.
• Protect the eligibility of seniors and veterans for the St. Mary’s County 65-10 Senior Tax Credit by increasing the maximum home property valuation to $500,000.
• Adopt the Constant Yield Tax Rate, to negate additional revenue from property tax assessment increases, when the county government has a large undedicated fund balance.
• Adopt an annual county budget process that differentiates between “essential” versus “non-essential” expenditures to control the rate of increase in spending.
Public Health, Safety & General Welfare
• Public health. The county commissioners serve as the Board of Health. I support a comprehensive review of the county’s responses to COVID-19 to better prepared for future health emergencies.
• Public safety. Prioritize funding that concentrates proactive law enforcement on organized crime, e.g., gangs, and focuses crime prevention on offenders’ pre-release and community-based corrections programs. Enhance physical security through Building Code security standards, e.g., Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED).
• Public education. I will Respond as required by the state to the implementation of the Blueprint for Maryland's Future by the SMCPS, but with my strong emphasis on achieving reading and writing proficiency at the completion of the 3rd Grade.
• General welfare. Ensure that essential public services are responsive to public needs and facilities are properly maintained.
Land Use & Economic Development
• The most effective means for the county government to protect the environment, including quality of life, is through effective land use management but with an emphasis on controlling sprawl.
• Amend the Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance to include the adequacy of health care, police, and solid waste disposal services.
• Incentivize redevelopment in the Lexington Park area to attract economic development, and growth.
• Before the further expansion of MetCom’s water and sewer infrastructure, focus on the renovation of the outdated system, and with minimal costs to users.
• Construct and open the YMCA at the site near Great Mills High School.
Quality of Life
I believe St. Mary’s County has a great quality of life with excellent employment opportunities for all its residents, but I also believe it can be better. One of my slogans is “MAKING SOMETHING GOOD EVEN BETTER” I further believe my passion and skillsets will be put to use making it happen. Working together we can make our County an even better place to live.